Steven Spielberg

Below are all of the items from the creator Steven Spielberg.

Score Title Creator Year Genre Review
Jurassic Park Steven Spielberg 1993 Action

Once the raptors show up, it's really just time to pick which two of your cats to cast in their roles. Favorite subtitle: (MOOING IN FEAR)

Reviewed on Monday, May 3rd, 2021, 12:00am.

Steven Spielberg - Jurassic Park - Action - 1993 - Once the raptors show up, it's really just time to pick which two of your cats to cast in their roles. Favorite subtitle: (MOOING IN FEAR)
West Side Story Steven Spielberg 2021 Musical

Such a tragic story. So much promise wasted by not simply banding together and fighting cops instead of each other.

Reviewed on Sunday, April 10th, 2022, 12:00am.

Steven Spielberg - West Side Story - Musical - 2021 - Such a tragic story. So much promise wasted by not simply banding together and fighting cops instead of each other.