Hilary Mantel

Below are all of the items from the creator Hilary Mantel.

Score Title Creator Year Genre Review
Wolf Hall Hilary Mantel 2009 Fiction / History / Thomas Cromwell

This would probably not normally be my thing, but the prose and dialog are so rich and alive that I have probably never felt more transported to the setting of a piece of historical fiction. I'm not the biggest history buff, so I think being kind of a blank slate on most of these people and circumstances helped matters, but you can tell it's so well-researched and planned that it could be all true, down to every royal word behind closed doors. The writing is dense and challenging, so ultimately very rewarding of the attention required to keep up with the mind of Cromwell, where each paragraph comes at you, almost like a riddle to be solved.

Reviewed on Sunday, November 19th, 2023, 6:30am.

Hilary Mantel - Wolf Hall - Fiction / History / Thomas Cromwell - 2009 - This would probably not normally be my thing, but the prose and dialog are so rich and alive that I have probably never felt more transported to the setting of a piece of historical fiction. I'm not the biggest history buff, so I think being kind of a blank slate on most of these people and circumstances helped matters, but you can tell it's so well-researched and planned that it could be all true, down to every royal word behind closed doors. The writing is dense and challenging, so ultimately very rewarding of the attention required to keep up with the mind of Cromwell, where each paragraph comes at you, almost like a riddle to be solved.