Brad Bird

Below are all of the items from the creator Brad Bird.

Score Title Creator Year Genre Review
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Brad Bird 2011 Action

The strength I am displaying by not making a crack about Tom Cruise standing in front of an exploding Kremlin while wearing a Bruce Springsteen t-shirt.

Reviewed on Friday, March 4th, 2022, 12:00am.

Brad Bird - Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol - Action - 2011 - The strength I am displaying by not making a crack about Tom Cruise standing in front of an exploding Kremlin while wearing a Bruce Springsteen t-shirt.
The Iron Giant Brad Bird 1999 Comedy / Animation

An awkward and misunderstood individual learns what it means to be human while subsisting entirely on metal, otherwise known as my high school experience.

Reviewed on Friday, March 11th, 2022, 12:00am.

Brad Bird - The Iron Giant - Comedy / Animation - 1999 - An awkward and misunderstood individual learns what it means to be human while subsisting entirely on metal, otherwise known as my high school experience.